A Syllabus I Created

I have linked a syllabus I created here. Creating a syllabus from scratch is one of the hardest things I can do as an instructor. I found so many different texts to be interesting and worthwhile, and I had to parse them down so that the course would not be overwhelming. Moreover, I have such diverse interests that […]

6002: Book Review- Cultural Studies- A Practical Introduction

Cultural Studies: A Practical Introduction Michael Ryan. 1st Ed 2010. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. $24.43 (Amazon) This book uses an interesting methodological approach in that it separates the various facets of cultural studies into separate chapters. It serves as an interesting depiction of culture—and Michael Ryan is sure to state that his definition of culture, “the […]

6002: April 7-“Redneck and Hillbilly Discourse in the Writing Classroom: Classifying Critical Pedagogies of Whiteness”

This week, we were allowed to read articles that we found interesting in relation to our specific interests. Despite the fact that I am in a literature and cultural studies practicum, I wanted to discuss the writing classroom because my ideal cultural studies course would have a heavy writing component. Jennifer Beech’s article, “Redneck and […]

Practicum Post 25 March. New Approaches to Grading

What is the point of grading, anyway? Grading has always seemed arbitrary to me. A student gets assigned a letter which is supposed to signify the amount of effort we, as instructors, perceive they put into their work. As an instructor, grading is easily the most stressful of my duties. I enjoy giving comments, and […]

Eng 6002: Week of March 4th–Close Reading

I think that all of the reading I have done in school is close reading. This presents a problem when I am trying to get through a lot of material quickly. As I have progressed through education, I have acquired the knowledge that I need to choose what I read closely and what gets a […]

ENG 6002: February 17- Education Without Walls–The Benefits of Destabilizing Education with Technology

This week’s reading reminded me of one of my favorite TED talks. I have linked to it below. What is the importance of reimagining education, or taking school outside of its traditional buildings? As the above video, along with this week’s reading by Catherine Davidson and David Theo Goldberg emphasize a move towards collaborative learning. […]